Minggu, 12 Juni 2011

How to Order

How to Order?
  1. Choose your products
  2. Send us the product detail complete with its name, detailed colour (if it has option by its colour) and your address with your call number via message to: +62896-7753-7236 
  3. We'll process your order Max 1 x 24 hours work days and we'll replying your message with price and shipping cost detail. Make sure you have send us all the term that we need to process your order. If it was not complete, your order will not going to process. 
  4. We use TIKI and JNE as our Shipping Company. So we'll give you choices for shipping cost and you can choose it for free.
  5. For the payment, we have 2 choices as your destination. BCA: 291-9888-213 (Caroline) or CIMB Niaga: 234-666-9088-12 (Caroline)
  6. DO NOT do any PAYMENT if you haven't get our confirmation that your order was in process.
  7. Please do a payment immediately Max 1x24 hours after you get out confirmation by message and don't forget to reply us to confirm you've done the payment. 
  8. Your order gonna be send :)


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